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World War II (Ch 16)

Quiz by Madison Bentel

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45 questions
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  • Q1
    Manchuria was invaded by which country in 1931?
  • Q2
    When did the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor?
    June 6, 1944
    September 2, 1945
    September 1, 1939
    December 7, 1941
  • Q3
    What is Corregidor?
    US rock fortress before surrendering to Japan
    French defensive line on the border of Germany
    German defensive line on the border of France
    Japanese shelter before surrendering to the US
  • Q4
    What impact did the Battle at Midway have on the war in the Pacific?
    It wiped out the entire Japanese Navy
    Turned the tide of war in favor of Japan
    It destroyed the US Pacific Fleet
    Turned the tide of war in favor of the US
  • Q5
    What is island hopping?
    Allies taking heavily defended Japanese islands, bypassing lightly defended islands
    Disbanding the Japanese armed forces
    Allies taking lightly defended Japanese islands, bypassing heavily defended islands
    The Allies taking Sicily before advancing to Italy
  • Q6
    What happened in the Battle of Guadalcanal?
    US forces defended an airfield because they knew a large Japanese force was coming
    US captured Japanese territory after a six month battle
    The Japanese seized power over the Guadal Canal
    Lieutenant Colonel Doolittle's B-25 bombers bombed Tokyo and other cities
  • Q7
    What was the Maginot Line?
    A line in the Pacific ocean where volcanic activity occurs
    Hundred mile long German defensive line on the border of France
    A line of islands off the southeast coast of China
    Hundred mile long French defensive line on the border of Germany
  • Q8
    What countries joined the Axis Powers in the spring of 1941?
    Bulgaria, Hungary, Soviet Union
    Luxemburg, Hungary, Soviet Union
    Hungary, Romania, Luxemburg
    Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria
  • Q9
    What is the name of Britain's Air Force?
    Royal Air Force (RAF)
    Red Army Faction (RAF)
  • Q10
    World War II started on September 1st, 1939 when which country invaded Poland?
    The Soviet Union
  • Q11
    The Soviet Union and the United States were superpowers after which war?
    The Cold War
    World War II
    World War I
    The Russian Civil War
  • Q12
    What was Operation Sea Lion?
    Codename for the invasion of Britain
    Codename for the invasion of the Soviet Union
    Codename for the invasion of Poland
    Codename for the creation of the atomic bomb
  • Q13
    What was the Bataan Death March?
    Japanese troops marched up the Bataan peninsula to attack Allied forces
    US/Filipino POW were forced to march 85 miles up the Bataan peninsula
    Jewish POWs marched to concentration camps from ghettos
    Japanese Americans sent to internment camps after Pearl Harbor
  • Q14
    Who was Winston Churchill?
    French President
    British Prime Minister
    American President
    Soviet Prime Minister
  • Q15
    What role did Vichy, France play in World War II?
    Location of puppet government in southern France
    Location of puppet government in northern France
    Location of French government-in-exile
    German occupation zone in northern France

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