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World War One - the Great War

Quiz by Maria Mahoney

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22 questions
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  • Q1
    This was the spark that started World War I. Archduke Ferdinand, the Austrian crown prince, was murdered on June 28, 1914, by a Serbian nationalist while visiting Sarajevo, Bosnia. Germany urged Austria-Hungary to fight and they went to war against Serbia; all of this due to Serbia wanting to expand
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  • Q2
    This was the president who was elected in 1912, and led the US into WWI. Later wrote a plan for post-WWI peace known as the Fourteen Points.
    Woodrow Wilson
  • Q3
    This Central Power empire during WWI, started the war with their invasion of Serbia after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand on June 28, 1914 . It was made up of Austria, Hungary and several other nations and territories. After World War I it split up into several nations.
  • Q4
    This new machinery used by the Germans in sea warfare, to attack British and American supply ships in the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Q5
    This cause of World War I was based on an intense pride in one's nation.
  • Q6
    This alliance during WWI included the United States, Great Britain, France, Russia and Italy (switched to the Allied Powers in 1915). (The blue countries of the East and West on map above)
    Allied Powers
  • Q7
    This is the plan for post-World War I outlined by President Wilson in 1918. This plan called for self-determination (countries in Africa and Asia govern themselves), freedom of the seas, free trade, end to secret agreements, reduction of arms and a league of nations.
    Wilson's Fourteen Points
  • Q8
    This intercepted note from the German foreign minister to the Mexican government offered, territories in Texas, Arizona and New Mexico for Mexico. The note also confirmed the new policy of unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany against the Allied Powers. This helped turn Americans against Germany in WWI.
    Zimmerman Telegram
  • Q9
    This British passenger ship was sunk by German U-boats in 1915, carrying civilians and ammunition to Britain from the U.S. The event turned American opinion against Germany.
  • Q10
    This style of warfare was common in WWI, due to the invention of the machine gun and heavy artillery. It included digging long trenches, separated by barbed wire and a no mans land.
    Trench Warfare
  • Q11
    This was the agreement between the Allies and Central Powers that ended the fighting after WWI. It began at 11/11/1918 at 11:11 am. This marked a victory for the Allies and stated that the Central Powers lost. Germans would later look at this as "the stab in the back."
    Armistice, 1918
  • Q12
    This term refers to the payments and transfers of property that Germany was required to make under the treaty of Versailles.
  • Q13
    This intergovernmental organization lasted from 1919-1946, was founded after the Paris Peace Conference. It did not work effectively to prevent WWII.
    League of Nations
  • Q14
    This cause of World War II resulted from the competition among European nations for colonies in Africa and Asia from 1880-1914. This created tension, especially between Germany and Great Britain.
  • Q15
    This was a major cause of WWI. Two major alliances formed the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria, Italy) and the Triple Entente (France, England, Russia). This alliance system made world war likely, by drawing all countries into a small war.

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