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Quiz by Sarah Wilkinson

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    My grandfather resides on a farm. The farm is huge and has numerous animals. It is a difficult job to care for all of the animals, but my grandpa never quits working. Even though he works awfully hard, my grandpa enjoys every minute of it.
    Question Image
    Grandpa works hard on a farm.
    It is fun to visit Grandpa.
    The cows eat grass.
    There are a lot of animals.
  • Q2
    The respiratory system’s job is to do the work of breathing for the body. Breathing involves inhaling, which causes oxygen to enter the lungs. Inside the lungs, the oxygen moves into very tiny air sacs called alveoli. In the alveoli, the oxygen centers the bloodstream and carbon dioxide is removed from the blood in a process called exchange of gases. The last step of breathng is exhaling, which pushes the air in the lungs containing carbon dioxide back outside the body.
    Question Image
    Breathing is an important life function.
    We breathe in oxygen.
    We breathe out carbon dioxide.
    We have alveoli.
  • Q3
    Emma likes to climb trees. But last night she fell from one and broke her arm. Emma’s mom took her to the hospital. They put a cast on Emma’s arm and told her to come back in six weeks to have it removed. It didn’t’ stop Emma, though. The next week, she climbed to the top of the oak tree in her front yard.
    Question Image
    Emma likes to climb trees.
    Emma fell from a tree.
    She had on a cast for six weeks.
    Nothing will stop Emma from climbing trees.
  • Q4
    Walt Disney was a famous film-maker. The first cartoons that he made were short silent films. Disney was a pioneer in the use of color and sound in cartoons. Even though the Walt Disney films are old, they are still popular.
    Question Image
    Disney films are popular.
    He used color in his cartoons.
    Disney made silent films.
    Walt Disney was a famous cartoonist.
  • Q5
    My mom is taking us to the skating rink today. First we’ll pick up my friend, Kim. Then we’ll go to the rink. It opens at 10 o’clock. Kim has her own ice skates, but I’ll have to rent mine. I know we’ll have lots of fun.
    Question Image
    I have a friend named Kim.
    The rink opens at 10:00.
    Kim and I will have fun ice skating today.
    I will rent my ice skates.

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