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Writing a descriptive paragraph

Quiz by Oak National Academy: KS3 English (2)

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    What does it mean to enhance your work?
    getting your friend to peer assess it
    re-read it
    improve the quality of it
  • Q2
    What should you do to guide effective vocabulary choices in descriptive writing?
    choose the first word that comes to your head
    choose words that link to your tone
    have a thesaurus next to you to find ambitious synonyms
  • Q3
    When can a colon be used to enhance your work?
    when you want to add an extra piece of information to the middle of the sentence
    when you need to separate two related clauses
    when you need to reveal information
  • Q4
    When can dashes be used to enhance your work?
    when you need to reveal information
    when you want to punctuate speech
    when you want to add an extra piece of information to the middle of the sentence
  • Q5
    What can you do when independently reflecting on whether you have used the correct spelling for an unfamiliar word?
    leave the spelling as it is
    use a dictionary to check
    ask the teacher
  • Q6
    __________ your work allows you to __________ your work.
    changing, edit
    editing, enhance
    enhancing, edit

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