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Writing an analytical response about duality

Quiz by Oak National Academy: GCSE English AQA

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the primary purpose of creating single paragraph outlines in the essay writing process?
    to analyse the writer's methods
    to revise grammar and spelling errors
    to write an introduction and conclusion
    to organise thoughts into a logical argument
  • Q2
    Which of these topic sentences does not use a discourse marker?
    Stevenson presents Lanyon as a hypocritical character.
    Furthermore, Lanyon's interest in Hyde implies he is hypocritial.
    Whereas Jekyll's hypocrisy is clear, Lanyon is arguably a hypocrite too.
  • Q3
    What are the key words in this question about 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde': How has Stevenson used the character of Utterson to explore the theme of reputation?
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  • Q4
    Which of these sentences does not belong in a conclusion?
    Ultimately, Stevenson is critical of all hypocrisy.
    Consequently, readers will be critical of all characters in the novella.
    Initially, Utterson is presented as a respectable man.
  • Q5
    Starting with the first, rearrange these sentence fragments to create a suitable essay question about 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.'
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  • Q6
    It could be argued that the other characters in 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' do not probe into the truth to protect their own names from being ______.
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