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XHLT 1404: Community Nursing for JINP

Quiz by Ayshea Thornton

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  • Q1

    Which of the following best describes community health nursing?


    Working with an approach of unique client care 采用独特的患者关怀方法

    Giving care with a focus on the group's needs 以群体的需求为中心给予关怀

    Assesses health needs of aggregates  综合评估健康需求

    Focuses on the health care of individuals and populations 专注于个人和人群的医疗保健

  • Q2

    Which of the following best describes primary health care?


    Comprehensive and addresses social justice and equity issues 全面解决社会正义和公平问题

    Giving direct care to ill individuals within their family setting 在家庭环境中直接照顾生病的人

    Managing acute or chronic conditions 管理急性或慢性病

    First point of access with the healthcare system 医疗保健系统的第一个接入点

  • Q3

    What is the primary explanation for the increase in life expectancy during the twentieth century?


    Increased use of antibiotics to fight infections 增加使用抗生素来对抗感染

    Incredible advances in surgical techniques and procedures 外科技术和程序的惊人进步

    An increase in findings from medical laboratory research 医学实验室研究结果的增加

    Improved sanitation and other public health activities  改善卫生和其他公共卫生活动

  • Q4

     What were the first determinants of health as identified by the Lalonde Report in 1974?

    1974 年Lalonde 报告确定的第一个健康决定因素是什么?

    Income, social status, education, health services 收入、社会地位、教育、健康服务

    Biology, lifestyle, health care, environment 生物学、生活方式、保健、环境

    Biology, genetics, education, social supports 生物学、遗传学、教育、社会支持

    Resources, social justice, stable ecosystem, equity 资源、社会公平、稳定的生态系统、公平

  • Q5

    Which of the following best describes the concept of public health?


    Use of the nursing process and evidence-informed practice to meet the objectives for community health improvement 使用护理过程和循证实践来实现社区健康改善的目标

    Health-care provision offered in primary and secondary institutions or in clients' homes 在初级和二级机构或患者家中提供医疗保健服务

    A population health approach designed to prevent disease, promote health, and protect populations 一种旨在预防疾病、促进健康和保护人群的人口健康方法

    Provision of health-care services in institutions located in the community but outside the hospital 在社区内但医院外的机构中提供保健服务

  • Q6

    A man is discharged home from acute care and requires daily dressing changes. What type of nursing service is required?


    Home health nursing 家庭健康护理

    Private duty nursing 私人护理

    Community-oriented nursing 社区护理

    Hospice nursing 临终关怀

  • Q7

    In addition to the common barriers faced by most rural residents, which one of the following is an additional barrier to health care that a temporary migrant farm worker is more likely to encounter?


    Distance of health-care facilities from the place of residence 卫生保健设施与居住地的距离

    Absence of culturally appropriate care 缺乏文化上适当的照顾

    Lack of anonymity 缺乏匿名性

    Availability of specialists 专家的可用性

  • Q8

    A community health nurse has been asked to meet with a married couple that recently emigrated from Botswana. The clinic doctor just informed the wife she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. What is the priority action by the community health nurse?


    Provide them with medical history paperwork that must be filled out prior to seeing a surgeon 向他们提供必须在看外科医生之前填写的病史文件

    Assess the couple’s current living situation, including insurance and other assets 评估这对夫妇目前的生活状况,包括保险和其他资产

    Support the client’s cultural and holistic needs when educating them about breast cancer 在对患者进行乳腺癌教育时支持他们的文化和整体需求

    Insist that the couple set up a surgical appointment for the wife immediately 坚持夫妻双方立即为妻子安排手术预约

  • Q9

     During a home visit to a new mother, the primary health nurse (PHN) finds that the mother needs help finding a job and childcare. Which role is PHN is performing?

    在对新妈妈的家访期间,初级保健护士(PHN) 发现该妈妈需要帮助找工作和照顾孩子。PHN 在扮演什么角色?

    Advocate 提倡

    Educator 教育家

    Manager 管理者

    Researcher 研究员

  • Q10

    Mr. Smith is admitted to a hospice facility suffering from terminal illness. What is the priority goal for Mr. Smith? 


    Providing liquid diet based on Advance Directives 根据预先指示提供流质饮食

    Reducing the pain and suffering based on the policy 以政策为基础减轻痛苦

    Following hygiene protocol based on unit protocol 遵循基于单元协议的卫生协议

    Providing support to the family based on the policy 根据政策为家庭提供支持

  • Q11

    Primary health nurses provide case management services that link clients with chronic illness to health care and community support services. What level of prevention is this?


    Secondary prevention 二级预防

    Tertiary prevention 三级预防

    Primary prevention 一级预防

    Rehabilitative prevention 康复预防

  • Q12

    The community health nurse is working with an urban community. Many of the people involved have expressed a negative view of health promotion and illness prevention. Which approach by the nurse is most appropriate to encourage community health?


    Focusing on primary health care 专注于初级卫生保健

    Using an illness prevention approach 使用疾病预防方法

    Reducing risks 降低风险

    Building community capacity 建设社区能力

  • Q13

    Which of the following is an example of health protection?


    Developing an elementary-school exercise program 制定小学运动计划

    Immunization for an outbreak of meningitis 脑膜炎爆发的免疫接种

    Teaching pre-natal classes 教产前班

    Administering a needle-exchange program 管理针头交换计划

  • Q14

    Which one of the following is an example of a healthy public policy?


    Crib/bed safety standards for infants and young children 婴幼儿婴儿床/床安全标准

    Behaviour change 行为改变

    Immunizations 免疫接种

    Marketing materials 营销材料

  • Q15

    What are the three major approaches to health promotion in the 20th century?


    Bioavailable, biomedical, and socio-environmental 生物可利用性、生物医学和社会环境

    Biomedical, behavioural, and socio-environmental 生物医学、行为和社会环境

    Biotechnology, behavioural, and socio-emotional 生物技术、行为和社会情感

    Biomedical, bioavailable, and socio-emotional 生物医学、生物可利用性和社会情感


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