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Yalta and Potsdam knowledge check

Quiz by Amanda

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20 questions
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  • Q1
    What month and year did the Yalta Conference take place?
    March 1945
    July 1945
    May 1945
    February 1945
  • Q2
    Who attended the Yalta Conference?
    Church Stalin Lenin
    Stalin Truman Churchill
    Churchill Stalin Roosevelt
    Churchill Atlee Roosevelt
  • Q3
    Where did the Yalta conference take place?
  • Q4
    What did they allow Stalin to have at Yalta?
    Sphere of Influence
    A gold watch
    All of eastern Europe
    Hitler's bunker
  • Q5
    Why was Stalin allowed to have a sphere of influence at Yalta?
    They had no choice
    He threatened them with an atom bomb
    He said please
    As reward for the sacrifices made by the Soviets (20 million died)
  • Q6
    What one thing did they disagree about at Yalta?
    The lunch menu
    What to do with ex-nazis
    Poland's boarders
  • Q7
    What did Russia promise to do once Germany had surrendered?
    To not ask for anything more from Europe
    To help to rebuild Germany
    To become a capitalist
    To join in the fight against Japan
  • Q8
    What was promised about elections in the liberated (freed from Nazi control) countries
    Only communist candidates could stand for election
    Free and Fair democratic elections
    The ruling parties would be chosen by the allies.
    There would be no voting
  • Q9
    What did they agree to do with Germany after the war was over at Yalta?
    Punished the population of Germany
    Split it into zones and punish the Nazis
    Rename the country
    Give Germany to the soviets as a reward
  • Q10

    What was agreed about the future of Poland at Yalta?

    They would have free and fair elections 

    Communists were not allowed to be in the government. 

    Stalin could have Poland as a 'thank you' for his efforts

    USA and Britain would fight to protect Poland

  • Q11
    What month was the Potsdam conference?
  • Q12
    Who attended the Potsdam conference?
    Roosevelt Truman Stalin
    Atlee Truman Stalin
    Churchill Truman Stalin
    Churchill Atlee Truman
  • Q13
    What gave the USA the upper hand and upset Stalin at Potsdam?
    The USA offered to pay for all the damage caused by WW2.
    Truman was given a seat in the centre of the big three
    The USA was the only superpower
    Atomic Bomb
  • Q14
    What did Truman want to stop Stalin having
    Any reparations from Germany
    A sphere of influence
    A microphone when he spoke
    Access to the press/media
  • Q15
    Why did Truman not agree to charging Germany a big reparations bill?
    Did not want to make the USSR stronger
    Did not think Germany was responsible for WW2
    Did not want to repeat the mistakes of the Treaty of Versailles
    Did not think Germany could pay a big bill

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