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Year 10 history of medicine

Quiz by Daisy Zzish

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7 questions
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  • Q1
    Who is credited with discovering penicillin?
    Robert Koch
    Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
    Louis Pasteur
    Alexander Fleming
  • Q2
    Who is known as the father of modern medicine?
    Isaac Newton
    Albert Einstein
    Sigmund Freud
  • Q3
    Who is considered the founder of modern nursing?
    Marie Curie
    Florence Nightingale
    Clara Barton
    Rosalind Franklin
  • Q4
    Who is known for developing the first successful polio vaccine?
    Question Image
    Albert Sabin
    Jonas Salk
    Alexander Fleming
    Louis Pasteur
  • Q5
    Who is known as the founder of modern anatomy?
    Charles Darwin
    Andreas Vesalius
    Gregor Mendel
    Carl Linnaeus
  • Q6
    Who is credited with developing the first effective vaccine for smallpox?
    Louis Pasteur
    Alexander Fleming
    Edward Jenner
    Robert Koch
  • Q7
    Who is known for discovering the structure of DNA?
    Gregor Mendel
    James Watson and Francis Crick
    Rosalind Franklin
    Marie Curie

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