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Year 5 Grammar quiz

Quiz by Amanda Hook

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8 questions
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  • Q1
    A common noun is...
    a word that names an everyday object e.g. car, chair, box
    a word that names a place or person e.g. London, Bob, Germany
    A word that describes an action e.g. run, swim, jump
    A word that joins two parts of sentences together.
  • Q2
    Which of these is an example of correctly punctuated direct speech?
    jack said I don't know what to do!
    "I don't know what to do!" said Jack.
    Jack told his teacher he did not now what to do.
    Jack said he didn't know what to do.
  • Q3
    What is a comma used for?
    To mark clauses in a sentence and separate items in a list.
    To introduce a new subject.
    To mark the end of the sentence.
    To show where to stop reading a sentence.
  • Q4
    When would you use a hyphen?
    To join two clauses in a sentence.
    Instead of a connective.
    To add to the end of a word to change it's tense or meaning.
    To join to words that link together e.g. ice-cream.
  • Q5
    What is a suffix?
    Is added to the start of a word to make it longer.
    Is added to the end of a word to change the tense or meaning.
    Is added to the start of the word to change the tense or meaning.
    Is added to the end of a word to make it more interesting.
  • Q6
    Which of these words are examples of prepositions?
    and, but, because, so
    big, blue, inspiring
    beside, next to, on top of, after
    France, Germany, Fred, Bob
  • Q7
    Which of these sentences is written in the active?
    The door was slammed shut by Kevin.
    The door was slammed angrily by Kevin.
    Kevin slammed the door angrily.
    Angrily the door was slammed shut by Kevin.
  • Q8
    What is a prefix?
    Added to the end of a word to change it's meaning.
    Joins two parts of a sentence together.
    a word that describes an action.
    Added to the start of a word to change it's meaning.

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