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Year 8 Film Techniques

Quiz by Leonie Marini

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What is a close-up shot?
    A shot taken from a low angle looking up at the subject.
    A shot showing the subject in relation to their surroundings.
    A shot where the subject is tightly framed and fills the frame.
    A shot where the camera is moving towards or away from the subject.
  • Q2
    What is a tracking shot?
    A shot where the camera is stationary and the subject moves.
    A shot where the camera is tilted on its side.
    A shot where the camera moves smoothly alongside the subject.
    A shot where the camera is pointed down at the subject.
  • Q3
    What is a high angle shot?
    A shot taken from a low angle looking up at the subject.
    A shot where the subject is in the center of the frame.
    A shot where the camera is moving towards or away from the subject.
    A shot taken from above looking down at the subject.
  • Q4
    What is a low angle shot?
    A shot where the camera is moving towards or away from the subject.
    A shot taken from above looking down at the subject.
    A shot where the subject is in the center of the frame.
    A shot taken from below looking up at the subject.
  • Q5
    What is a long shot?
    A shot where the subject is tightly framed and fills the frame.
    A shot showing the subject in relation to their surroundings.
    A shot where the camera is moving towards or away from the subject.
    A shot taken from a distance to show the subject's surroundings.
  • Q6
    What is a point-of-view shot?
    A shot showing the subject in relation to their surroundings.
    A shot where the camera is stationary and the subject moves.
    A shot where the subject is in the center of the frame.
    A shot where the camera assumes the subject's perspective.
  • Q7
    What is a zoom shot?
    A shot where the subject is tightly framed and fills the frame.
    A shot where the camera is stationary and the subject moves.
    A shot where the camera's lens changes from a wide angle to a telephoto lens or vice versa.
    A shot where the camera moves smoothly alongside the subject.
  • Q8
    What is a pan shot?
    A shot where the camera rotates on its horizontal axis.
    A shot where the camera is stationary and the subject moves.
    A shot where the camera is tilted on its side.
    A shot taken from a distance to show the subject's surroundings.
  • Q9
    What is a tilt shot?
    A shot where the camera is stationary and the subject moves.
    A shot taken from above looking down at the subject.
    A shot where the camera is pointed down at the subject.
    A shot where the camera rotates on its vertical axis.
  • Q10
    What is a Dutch angle shot?
    A shot where the camera rotates on its vertical axis.
    A shot where the camera is pointed down at the subject.
    A shot where the subject is tightly framed and fills the frame.
    A shot where the camera is tilted on its side.

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