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Range of Motion & End Feels

Quiz by LB

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6 questions
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  • Q1

    What is true about Passive Range of Motion

    Gives us information about the joint capsule & ligaments. Assess for joint hypomobility and hypermobility. Limited by ct's pain. Results are in end feels

    Gives us functional information and is limited by ct's pain. Results are in degrees of ROM

    Assess muscle strength. Results are in grades 1-5

  • Q2

    What is true about Active Range of Motion

    Gives us information about the joint capsule & ligaments. Assess for joint hypomobility and hypermobility. Limited by ct's pain. Results are in end feels

    Gives us functional information and is limited by ct's pain. Results are in degrees of ROM

    Assess muscle strength. Results are in grades 1-5

  • Q3

    What is true about Active  Resisted Range of Motion

    Assess muscle strength. Results are in grades 1-5

    Gives us functional information and is limited by ct's pain. Results are in degrees of ROM

    Gives us information about the joint capsule & ligaments. Assess for joint hypomobility and hypermobility. Limited by ct's pain. Results are in end feels

  • Q4

    What is true about PROM?

    All of the above

    Stresses the specific structure that is limiting movement or is injured

    Pressure is applied at end of PROM

    End feel of a joint is tissue restrictions

  • Q5

    What are the normal end feels?

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  • Q6

    What are the abnormal end feels?

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