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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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70 questions
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  • Q1
    conduit (n.)
    a strong feeling of excitement and enthusiasm / 열망
    a channel or means of transmitting / 도관, 매개체
    feeling of discomfort / 걱정, 불안
    a combination or mixture of things / 합성, 혼합
  • Q2
    resent (v.)
    to be in charge of something (such as a trial) / 주재하다
    to walk in an awkward way / 헤매다
    to feel bitter or indignant about / ~을 억울해하다
    to ease or alleviate / 완화시키다
  • Q3
    resonance (n.)
    legal right to vote / 투표권, 선거권, 참정권
    opposition between two conflicting forces or ideas; logically opposite / 부정, 부인; 모순되는
    the quality of producing a strong response or echoing / 공명
    a sudden realization / 깨달음
  • Q4
    aforementioned (adj.)
    performed regularly / 일상적인
    shared or used by members of a group or community / 공동의
    tending to bring about; being partly responsible for / ~에 도움이 되는
    mentioned previously or earlier / 앞서 언급한
  • Q5
    autonomous (adj.)
    allowing a lot of freedom and not punishing bad behavior in a strong way; not harsh, severe, or strict / 관대한
    examining one's own thoughts or feelings / 스스로를 돌아보는
    self-governing / 자치의
    not active, changing, or progressing / 정체된
  • Q6
    brace (v.)
    to get involved, especially during the middle / 사이에 끼어들다; 개입하다
    to harmonize opposing ideas/concepts; to mend a relationship after conflict / (반대되는 혹은 충돌하는 개념들을) 화합시키다; 화해시키다
    to fix (so it doesn't move); to make firmer / ~을 지지하다, ~을 고정시키다
    to remedy or make amends for / 보상하다
  • Q7
    likable (adj.)
    in good condition; reasonable / 상태가 좋은, 멀쩡한; 합리적인
    possible; capable of being done / 실행 가능한
    having dominant influence or control / 지배적인
    easy to like; agreeable / 마음에 드는, 호감이 가는
  • Q8
    pugnacious (adj.)
    possible to do or achieve / 실행 가능한
    of or relating to money and especially to the money a government, business, or organization earns, spends, and owes / 회계의
    eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight / 호전적인
    not able to exist or work together / 호환되지 않는
  • Q9
    sound (adj.)
    allowing a lot of freedom and not punishing bad behavior in a strong way; not harsh, severe, or strict / 관대한
    talking a lot in an energetic and rapid way / (말) 많은, 유창한
    unwilling or unable to believe something / 믿을 수 없는
    in good condition; reasonable / 상태가 좋은, 멀쩡한; 합리적인
  • Q10
    ensure (v.)
    to make certain / 반드시 ~하다, 꼭 ~하다
    to make less visible or unclear / ~을 숨기다, 흐리게 하다, 잘 안보이게 하다
    to praise / 찬양하다
    to praise / 찬양하다
  • Q11
    insidious (adj.)
    lacking originality or freshness; overused and consequently of little import / 진부한
    without confusion or complexity / 간단한, 단순한
    made just for ~; customized for ~ / ~에 맞춘
    proceeding in a gradual, subtle way but with harmful effects / 은밀한
  • Q12
    impractical (adj.)
    not in proper or equal proportion / 불균형의
    not realistic in terms of actually occurring or doing / 현실적으로 실행이 어렵거나 불가능한
    preceding, preparatory, initial / 준비의, 준비 과정의
    of or from outside the Earth / 외계의, 지구 밖의
  • Q13
    self-evident (adj.)
    evident without proof or argument / 자명한
    so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period / 노후한, 시대에 뒤진
    very cold / 차가운
    mocking, ridiculing / 조롱하는
  • Q14
    inextricable (adj.)
    impossible to disentangle or separate / 헤질 수 없는
    equivalent in value, significance, or effect / 동등한
    not able to be seen through; not transparent / 불투명한
    skillful / 솜씨 좋은
  • Q15
    plead (v.)
    something added to complete or enhance something else / 보충물/보충하다
    to adjust (a measuring tool) in order to make it more accurate / (더 정확하게 측정하도록) 도구를 조정하다
    to enter upon an activity or enterprise / ~하는 데 착수하다
    to appeal or request earnestly / ~을 호소하다

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