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Quiz by sara
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- Q1
The....................includes the operating system and the applications.
Users enter free textType an Answer30s - Q2
It controls the computer
Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s - Q3
These devices are used to store information:
hard disk, usb stick, memory card.
truefalseTrue or False30s - Q4
What do we need to do to register on a website?
Create a file extension
Ask your friend
Type in a username and a password.
30s - Q5
Choose the safest password.
30s - Q6
What is a podcast?
An image file
An audio file
A music file
An online game
30s - Q7
What is cyberbullying?
the incorrect use of email
sending digital messages to scare, threaten or upset other people
sharing fake news on the internet
30s - Q8
How can we avoid inappropriate content on the internet?
give our real age when we access a website or an app
never pass on information unless you are sure it is true
write down and control our screen time
30s - Q9
What do on-demand video platforms provide?
text messages
films, documentaries and series
30s - Q10
How can we identify files?
with a file name and a number
with a name and a surname
with a file name and a file extension