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Welcher Typ IM ist es?

Quiz by Sina Poffa

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    Diagnose Panikstörung: «Today I was able to park the car at the underground parking garage!» (Batista et al., 2019, 446)
    Performing Change
    Reconceptualization IM
    Protest IM
    Action IM
  • Q2
    Diagnose Panikstörung: «I have tried to make my brain register that if I try to control things everything will get worst, and if I let things happen, I will probably feel better» (Batista et al., 2019, 446)
    Reflection IM
    Performing Change
    Protest IM
    Reconceptualization IM
  • Q3
    Major Depression, mit sozialer Isolation: «My fear of others’ judgments was keeping me in a world apart. This was somehow safer but it was making me worse as time went by. I won’t let my fear of others destroy my life.» (Gonçalves et al., 2011, 500)
    Protest IM
    Performing Change
    Reflection IM
    Reconceptualization IM
  • Q4
    Major Depression, mit sozialer Isolation: «I want to do all the things that were impossible for me to do while I was dominated by depression […]. The loss of all the friendships of the past is something that still hurts me really deeply. I want to have friends again, to have people to talk to, to share experiences and to feel the complicity in my life again.» (Gonçalves et al., 2011, 501)
    Reconceptualization IM
    Protest IM
    Reflection IM
    Performing Change
  • Q5
    Major Depression, mit sozialer Isolation: C: You know . . . when I was there at the museum, I was thinking to myself: ‘‘you are really a different person... A year ago you wouldn’t even be able to go to the supermarket’’! T: How do you think you were able to change this? C: I think the first important step was starting going out and also not expecting that things would be just wonderful and without any difficulties. Now I know how to tolerate my life difficulties without feeling overwhelmed. Life is life, not a paradise, but also not the hell I thought it was. (Gonçalves et al., 2011, 501)
    Action IM
    Reflection IM
    Reconceptualization IM
    Performing Change

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