Ag Science Final Review: Natural Resources
Quiz by Michael Gaspar
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38 questions
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- Q1What items from the environment are used by humans?Man-made resourcesNatural ResourcesNon-natural resourcesRecyclable resources30s
- Q2What resources are available in infinite supply?Limited resourcesNon-Renewable resourceUnlimited Resource30s
- Q3What makes a resource non-renewable?Cannot be made at a rate comparable to consumptionThere is an infinite supply availableCan be replaced quickly by humans30s
- Q4What energy-rich compound is formed from compressed and decayed plant matter formed over time?Fossil FuelsBio FuelsAlternative fuels30s
- Q5What are the chemical properties of water?pH 7 & H20ph 5 & NO2pH 8 & CO230s
- Q6Which of the following is NOT a physical property of water?Liquid, solid and gasFreezes at 212ºF and boils at 32ºFHigh specific heat indexVery high surface tension30s
- Q7Which of the following is NOT a stage of the water (hydrological) cycle?AccumulationTransportationPrecipitationEvaporation30s
- Q8Which is NOT a factor that negatively affects water quality?Raw Untreated SewageChemical pollutionUse of Contour FarmingExcessive sediment30s
- Q9Which of the following is NOT a destructive capability of water?Flows to the path of least resistanceSediment water pollution due to lack of contour farmingWater's high surface tensionErosion of topsoil by removal of plants30s
- Q10What is it called when water goes directly from a solid to a gas?DepositionSublimationMelting30s
- Q11In what step of the water cycle do salts and mineral deposits get left behind as it is separated from the water?TranspirationAccumulationEvaporation30s
- Q12Which of the following is NOT a form of precipitation?SnowFogSleet30s
- Q13What are the 2 types of acid found in acid rain?Nitric & Sulfuric AcidNitric & Hydrochloric AcidCitric & Sulfuric Acid30s
- Q14Air is composed of which percentage (%) of gases?Nitrogen 75%, Oxygen 23%, Argon 1%, H20 1%Nitrogen 65%, Oxygen 12%, Argon 5%, H20 1%Nitrogen 25%, Oxygen 75%, Argon 1%, H20 1%30s
- Q15What main purpose does the ozone layer serve?Barrier against Ultra Violet (UV) RaysBarrier against cosmic dustBarrier against aliens30s