Young Leadership Program Batch 2 Module 2 Refresher
Quiz by Kariah Jiayone Cardinez
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- Q1
Which of the following defines governance?
The respect of citizens and the state for the institutions that govern economic and social interactions among them.
All of the above.
The capacity of the government to effectively manage its resources and implement sound policies.
The process by which those in authority are selected, monitored and replaced.
45s - Q2
According to Dr. Jesus Estansilao, governance is as necessary as anti-corruption. It is what builds up rather than tears down, restores rather than removes, empowers rather than overthrows.
45s - Q3
Which of the following is NOT part of the principles of Good Governance?
Transparent, Responsive, and Participatory.
Following Rule of Law, Clientelistic, and Efficient.
None of the above.
Consensus Oriented, Inclusive, and Accountable.
45s - Q4
What areas in social and corporate organizations is governance relevant?
In all aspects; people, purpose, process, and peso (resources).
In all aspects; people, purpose, process, performance, and peso (resources).
None of the above
In all aspects; people, purpose, process, and performance.
45s - Q5
In social and corporate organizations, it is necessary to apply governance.
45s - Q6
Which of the following is NOT a form of corruption?
Privatization of public affairs in which patronage, cronyism, and clientelism define the daily practices.
Access to jobs, opportunities, perks, rents, income and status increasingly depends on one’s own capability.
Judiciary exercising not just judicial but also quasi-legislative functions
None of the above.
45s - Q7
Operational Governance is A.) policies are established by top management, and by the heads of departments and sub-units must be related to and consistent with policies executed deep in the operational infrastructure; B) the dynamic process of the creation and implementation of policies, politics and administration, that is animated by the endeavor of manifold social and economic groups with different interests; C.) the middle manager is allowed to state strategic policies as operational processes, and ensure that the established policies are followed throughout all operations of the enterprise interests.
Statements B and C are correct
All the statements are correct.
Statements A and B are correct
Statements A and C are correct.
60s - Q8
Which of the following statements correctly explains the relationship of Strategic and Operational Governance?
Managing strategy differs from managing operations. But both are vital and need to be integrated. A visionary strategy that is not linked to excellent operational and governance processes cannot be implemented. Conversely, operational excellence may lower costs, improve quality, and reduce times; but without a strategy’s vision and guidance, an enterprise is not likely to enjoy sustainable success from its operational improvements alone.
Managing strategy differs from managing operations. Hence, both are vital, but do not need to be integrated. Visionary Strategy that is not linked to excellent operational and governance processes are much easier and effective to implement. Operational excellence may lower costs, improve quality, and reduce times; without a strategy’s vision and guidance, an enterprise would still enjoy sustainable success from its operational improvements alone.
Managing strategy differs from managing operations. Both are vital, but do not necessarily need to be integrated. Visionary Strategy that is not linked to excellent operational and governance processes cannot be implemented. Conversely, operational excellence may lower costs, improve quality, and reduce times; but without a strategy’s vision and guidance, an enterprise is not likely to enjoy sustainable success from its operational improvements alone.
Managing strategy differs from managing operations. But both are vital, and need to be integrated. Visionary Strategy that is not linked to excellent operational and governance processes cannot be implemented. Conversely, operational excellence may lower costs, improve quality, and reduce times; but even with a strategy’s vision and guidance, an enterprise is not likely to enjoy sustainable success from its operational improvements alone.
120s - Q9
What is an example of indicators of deficient governance?
Costly and cumbersome bureaucratic processes resulting from the historical accumulation of rules and procedures.
Over-centralized decision-making that all too often short-circuits established processes and responsibilities and shuts people out of the loop, thus sapping motivation.
Firefighting and crisis management as the norm.
All of the above.
120s - Q10
Identify which of the following is NOT part of the governance culture results in strategic governance.
Effective and Focused.
Shared values and Responsibilities.
None of the above.
Solidarity and Subsidiarity.