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Fundamental D-03

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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30 questions
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  • Q1
    to want to have something very much, especially something that belongs to someone else / 탐내다, ~을 갈망하다
    to waste, to spend carelessly / 낭비하다, 낭비
    to be formally admitted to study at a university or college / 입학을 허가하다
    attitude and action / 태도/행동
  • Q2
    luxurious/expensive / 사치스러운
    a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting / 의제, 안건
    the attitude of caring about others and doing acts that help them although you do not get anything by doing those acts / 이타주의, 이타적 행위
    lasting for only a short time; temporary / 일시의, 순간적인
  • Q3
    basic / 가장 기본적인, 미발달의
    to make appear more important/significant / ~를 부풀리다
    (of a container) so tightly closed that no air can leave or enter / 밀폐된, 은둔하는
    liking to be with other people / 사교적인, 군생하는
  • Q4
    small action, usually signifying something / (뭔가를 나타내는) 작은 행동, 손짓, 몸짓
    extremely great in ability, amount, or strength / 굉장한, 거대한, 막대한
    used to describe something that is spoken in a way that is direct, clever, and cruel / 신랄한, 과격한, 매서운
    shy and not confident of your abilities / 자신 없는, 수줍어하는, 내성적인
  • Q5
    a feeling of pleasure and also slight sadness when you think about things that happened in the past / 향수병
    hurt or troubled by something bad / 괴롭히다, 에워싸다
    to emphasize / 강조하다
    without money, food, a home, or possessions / 궁핍한, ~이 없는
  • Q6
    to separate into two paths/types/forms / 두 갈래/종류로 나뉘다
    having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel / 반대되는 감정을 가진
    quiet and easy to influence, persuade, or control / 다루기 쉬운
    to say or prove that a person, statement, opinion is wrong or false / 반박하다, 논박하다
  • Q7
    producing a great number or amount of something / 다작하는, 다산하는, 왕성하게, 활발한
    very energetic, positive and happy / 열광적인, 넘칠듯한
    misunderstanding of something / 오해
    praise and approval / 찬사, 수상
  • Q8
    thinking in a quiet way, often with a serious expression on your face / 수심에 잠긴
    to show, illustrate / (~를) 보여주다
    changing suddenly and often / 변덕스러운
    to copy something achieved by someone else and try to do it as well as they have / 모방하다
  • Q9
    central and important / 선회축의, 중심축의
    performed regularly / 일상적인
    to cause trouble to develop / 유발하다, ~을 조장하다
    famous, respected, or important / 저명한, 탁월한
  • Q10
    opposite of enthusiastic; not very willing or eager / 소극적인
    the feeling of not liking someone or something and thinking that they do not deserve your interest or respect / 업신여김, 무시
    not moving or not able to move / 움직일 수 없는, 자력으로 행동할 수 없는
    to increase the size or value of something by adding something to it / 늘리다, 증가시키다
  • Q11
    having a lower or less important position / 하위의, 부차적인
    an extremely strong wish to get or keep money or possessions / 탐욕, 강한 욕망
    shocking because of being so bad and so obvious / 노골적인, 극악한
    complex and high-level / 수준이 높고 복잡한/정교한
  • Q12
    question / 질문
    something that will solve all problem / 만병통치약
    for the present time but likely to change / 임시의, 잠정적인
    to become worse in quality / 악화되다, 퇴화하다 / 타락한
  • Q13
    the act of inventing false information in order to deceive someone, or the false information itself / the act of producing a product, especially in an industrial process / 제작, 조립, 위조
    having or expressing more than one possible meaning, sometimes intentionally / 애매모호한
    artificial and difficult to believe / 부자연스러운, 윈위적인
    memory, or recall of a memory / 기억, 혹은 기억한다는 것
  • Q14
    clearly true, obvious / 명백한
    courage or confidence of a kind that other people find shocking or rude / 뻔뻔스러움, 대담
    an example of dishonest and illegal behavior / 부정행위, 위법 행위
    thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted / 의심스러운, 모호한
  • Q15
    having a close relation or friend who has recently died / 사별을 당한
    magnitude or seriousness (of something negative) / 심각성 (부정적)
    to cause difficulty to someone, or to cause someone to feel angry, annoyed, or upset / 성가시게 하다, 난처하게 하다
    understood without being expressed directly / 암묵적인

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