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Internet Safety: Middle School

Quiz by Nescie Gonzales

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Individuals who are more likely to be harassed on-line are:
    All equally
    More girls than boys
    More boys than girls
  • Q2
    An example of cyber bullying is:
    Posting pictures and personal information on the internet.
    Spreading rumors about someone through e-mails or social networking sites.
    Creating a FaceBook / MySpace account.
    Responding to a harassing e-mail
  • Q3
    If you believe you are a victim of cyber bullying you should:
    Tell your school officials.
    Report it to the local police.
    Press the SNI Shield and tell your parents
    Delete it immediately.
  • Q4
    The risks of putting pictures and personal information on the internet are:
    None, only my friends receive my pictures and information.
    B and C above.
    That I can become a victim of cyber bullying.
    It might reach the wrong person
  • Q5
    What is the icon that you can click that makes it easier for internet users to identify and report abuses on-line?
    AOL provider.
    Cyber bullying Icon.
    SNI Shield.
    None of the above.
  • Q6
    If you are being bullied on-line what should you NOT do:
    Save it on your computer.
    Tell a parent or guardian.
    Report it to a school official.
    Repond angrilly with a nasty e-mail.
  • Q7
    What percentage of students go on-line daily?
    Can not be determined
  • Q8
    What percentage of students have reported receiving some form of cyber bullying?
    Over 50%
  • Q9
    I cannot be accused of cyber-bullying because:
    All of the above.
    I have First Amendment rights of freedom of speech
    It I don't spread false information about other people.
    It isn't against the law to be in a chat room.
  • Q10
    You participate in cyber bullying when you:
    Upload pcitures of someone without their knowledge.
    A and B above.
    Send someone private comments over the internet.
    Tell your friends about someone's private comments.

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